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Revolution Women’s Health

Every woman deserves pain-free cycles, optimal fertility, and vibrant hormonal health.

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For too long, women have been handed one-size fits all treatments for their complex hormonal and gynecological conditions. In reality, each female body is a beautiful, unique, and complex system.

It’s time for a Women’s Health Revolution.

Welcome, I’m Nicole

Your empathetic, tenacious, advocate


For as long as I can remember, my health has been complicated. I spent years lamenting my complicated body, my weird symptoms, and the lack of answers offered by conventional medicine. It took a decade of seeking, tweaking, and formal education to realize that I’m not complicated, I just needed a provider who would connect the dots. I knew I couldn’t be the only woman in need, so I decided to become that provider. 

My credentials:
Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (FNTP)
Board Certified In Holistic Nutrition (BCHN)
Restorative Wellness Practitioner (RWP)
Master’s In Psychology and Counseling
Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner in training (Yale School of Nursing)

You deserve a provider who sees your struggle, empathizes, and advocates for your health every step of the way. You also deserve a provider with experience, knowledge, and insight into the complexities of a woman’s body.

So if you:

  • Are tired of the one size fits all band-aids…

  • Have been told your symptoms are all in your head, normal, or part of womanhood…

  • Feel like your situation is too complicated to explain in a 15 minute doctor's appointment…

  • Want a partner in health because you know you can feel better than this…..

I’ve got you.

When it comes to your good health, I won’t take no for an answer. 


Let’s Start A Revolution


If you’re here, you’ve likely tried all the band-aids: birth control, antidepressants, restrictive fad diets, and punishing exercise programs. Yet you’re still struggling with painful periods, vicious mood swings, digestive drama, insomnia, acne, or even infertility.

What if there was a better way? A system of health care that considers your individual needs, symptoms, and health history? A system of healthcare that respects the complexity of a woman’s body rather than trying to control it or numb it with artificial hormones and brain chemicals? A system that works with your body to build foundational health to last you a lifetime!

Enter Revolution Women’s Health. A state of the art process for bringing health and balance to the female body.

Based on years of integrative healthcare training and grounded on the principles of:

  • Physical health: the quality of the structures and chemicals in your physical body and environment.

  • Emotional health: the integrity of your relationship with yourself and the community that supports you.

  • Energetic health: the vitality and harmony of your nervous system